Re-trigger creation of agent’s package
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Re-trigger creation of agent’s package


Article ID: 252659


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IT Management Suite


How to re-trigger the creation of Symantec Management Agent’s (Altiris Agent) package?

In this case, our HTTP/HTTPS packages under ...:\Program Files\Altiris\Notification Server\NSCap\bin\Win32\X86:


ITMS 8.5, ITMS 8.6.x. ITMS 8.7.x


To manually re-trigger the creation of the agent’s package, use the steps below to re-trigger the creation of HTTP/HTTPS packages:

a. Get to default communication profile linked. The default communication profile is usually listed under Agent Install page (Settings>All Settings>Agent/Plug-ins>Symantec Management Agent>Settings).
You can click on it to take you to the communication profile or you can look at it under Settings>All Settings>Agent/Plug-ins>Symantec Management Agent>Symantec Management Agent Communication Profiles

You can click on it to take you to the communication profile or you can look at it under Settings>All Settings>Agent/Plug-ins>Symantec Management Agent>Symantec Management Agent Communication Profiles

b. Change something (uncheck/check box) and save. Making a simple change on the communication profile will force AeXNSCHTTP.exe and AeXNSCHTTPS.exe files to be recreated.

c. Now SMA packages for PULL install contain latest SMA version  and be up to date upon install.

d. Run scheduled tasks "NS.Package Refresh" and "NS.Package Distribution Point Update Schedule" to Replicate/update the Package on All Package Server.