UIM Spectrum Gateway Probe - Maintenance Sync Issues (Deleting an ongoing maintenance window in UIM does not sync back to Spectrum)
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UIM Spectrum Gateway Probe - Maintenance Sync Issues (Deleting an ongoing maintenance window in UIM does not sync back to Spectrum)


Article ID: 252635


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Deleting a maintenance window in UIM does not sync back to Spectrum

Observed behaviour

If a client sets a maintenance window time and they finish early and delete the window, the spectrumgtw probe does not synch it to Spectrum during the 30 sync.  Spectrum waits until the window that was first reported is exhausted.

11:22am - Maintenance Window set in UIM for server

11:34am - Maintenance Window synced to Spectrum

11:34am - As per Spectrumgtw maintenance.log. Maintenance Windows Sync only every 30 minutes
2022-10-18 11:34:19,726 INFO SpectrumGtwScheduler_Worker-10: [ScheduleReconciler] [performAllOperation] - Maintenace schedules sync completed
2022-10-18 11:34:19,726 INFO SpectrumGtwScheduler_Worker-10: [ScheduleReconcilerThread] [execute] - Maintenance Mode sync exit

11:41am - Maintence deleted for server in UIM.  

12:04pm - Maintenance Window sync

12:35pm - Not cleared in Spectrum on maintenance sync


2022-10-18 12:34:19,286 INFO SpectrumGtwScheduler_Worker-2: [ScheduleReconciler] [performAllOperation] - Maintenace schedules sync completed
2022-10-18 12:34:19,286 INFO SpectrumGtwScheduler_Worker-2: [ScheduleReconcilerThread] [execute] - Maintenance Mode sync exit

2:30pm - Maintenance window still showing in Spectrum despite being removed from UIM at 11:41am


Expected Behaviour

If a client deletes a maintenance window in UIM the spectrumgtw probe should send that info to Spectrum during the maintenance sync so that the device is live again.  This requires the client to login to two seperate systems if there is a change to the maintenance window.


Release : 20.4


  • DX NetOps Spectrum will synchronize or create CA UIM schedules, only if a minimum of one associated model exists in the UIM schedule.
  • Maintenance schedules without any devices will not be synchronized.


When you delete an ongoing maintenance schedule, this will not be synchronized from UIM to Spectrum (there is nothing to sync):
Maintenance Mode Schedule Synchronization

This is working as designed.  The workaround for this would be to edit the time in the UIM schedule instead of deleting the schedule. Editing the end time so that the maintenance window changes to an earlier time would allow the synchronization to occur and end the window on both UIM and Spectrum.