Recreate the pdm_tomcat.log when it's loo large
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Recreate the pdm_tomcat.log when it's loo large


Article ID: 252554


Updated On:


CA Service Desk Manager


In case of the pdm_tomcat.log has grown to be very large due to some reason, the following steps
would be applied to recreate it.


Release : 17.3 and up


The jsrvr.log file logs the information related to tomcat and to increase the log level of jsrvr.log:

pdm_log4j_config -f SDM_WEB -l DEBUG -a -s 300MB


To set the default settings:

pdm_log4j_config -f SDM_WEB -l ERROR -a -s 30MB


Then restart Tomcat.


Stop Tomcat:     

pdm_tomcat_nxd -c stop


Checks Tomcat service status:      

pdm_tomcat_nxd -c status


Rename or delete the pdm_tomcat.log.


Starts Tomcat:

pdm_tomcat_nxd -c start


Checks Tomcat service status:

pdm_tomcat_nxd -c status


Check the behavior of both logs: pdm_tomcat.log and jsrvr.log.

Additional Information

Increase logging for Service Desk Web Services, Export, and Attachments - Article ID: 137240