Portal Issue - takes way too long to log in with LDAP credentials
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Portal Issue - takes way too long to log in with LDAP credentials


Article ID: 252514


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


Takes way too long to log into the Portal with LDAP credentials.

Can login much faster using a non-LDAP user id.



* DevTest 10.7.0
* Server components running on Windows 2016 server
* External Database is SQL Server 2016
* IAM configured for LDAP

Not using LDAP Groups to assign roles.


Product defect.


There were two changes that resolved this issue.

1) Updated version of file configure_datasource.cli.  

2) Setting the Group Settings LDAP Filter to {cn=NONEXISTINGGROUP} prevents any Group resolution.  The filter tries to map to a non existing group so it will not fetch anything when a user logs in.

Open a support case and refer to defect DE548363.

Additional Information

If assigning roles based on LDAP Groups, then make sure you specify a Group Settings LDAP Filter to only bring in the Groups you need.