We are deleting 2 VIEW databases as we are cleaning up that LPAR.
We would like to take a backup of the reports, for future purposes.
As all reports on tape would need to be copied to disk, what is the best way to approach this?
Release : 14.0
So that the client would be able to load all of their reports from tape to the View database disk layer, they were instructed to do the following:
. Create an empty, 80,000-cylinder View target database on the same system as the sending database.
NOTE: The total number of report lines that the client had on tape necessitated making a large disk area.
. Shut down the SARSTC task for the sending database.
. Perform a SARDBASE COPY, where the sending database is copied to the target database.
. Run a View SARSTLST against each of the tapes in the target database, creating a //CTLCARDS DD file.
. Copy the CTLCARDS file to another file.
. Remove the /CHANGE entries from the new CTLCARDS file.
. Edit the CTLCARDS file, changing all "/DELETE" to "/LOAD ".
. Run the file of /LOAD entries through SARBCH, where the reports will be loaded from the tapes to the database disk layer.
In this specific case, after the loading of all reports from tape is done, run SARDBASE UNLOAD on the new database.