What is a cold start in Automic and How to do a cold start?
Release: Automic 12.x and 21.x
Component: AAUTEN
What is a COLD start?
(a) A COLD start will clear out the MQ (Message Queue) tables, that are used by server processes (CPs and WPs).
When should a COLD start be performed?
(a) Usually after updating the Automation Engine server (binaries and database).
(b) Sometimes, old messages can be left in the MQ tables causing the Automic system to not be able to start correctly or freeze. The most common reason for this is if the Automic system has been brought down ungracefully.
Does a COLD start impact task processing?
(a) All tasks which were executing any script (status: "generating", "post-processing", etc.) will be in status "inconsistent" after the cold start.
(b) All "open" statistic records (without end-timestamp) will be checked. If they are no longer in the activity window they will get an end time stamp.
How to perform a cold start?
We can perform the cold start via the server's configuration file (ucsrv.ini)
Just set "StartMode=COLD" in the [GLOBAL] section.
You may as well want to set SystemStop=YES if you want all clients to be stopped.
Please note that these settings will only be taken into account for the next start of the server. They will automatically be set back to StartMode=NORMAL and SystemStop=NORMAL in ucsrv.ini after the server has started.
The command line program of the Service Manager can be used to start, stop or get the list of active processes on a given host.
A server process should be started like this : UCYBSMCL[.EXE] -c START_PROCESS -h computer name -n phrase -s name of the service [-sm start mode] [-p password]
Example: UCYBSMCL -c START_PROCESS -h (SYSTEMNAME) -n AEV11 -s UC4WP1 -sm Coldstart
KINDLY CHECK WITH BROADCOM SUPPORT before proceeding with a cold start.