Process using JDK-17 not running successfully from Autosys Agent 12.0 but works when process is submitted manually.
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Process using JDK-17 not running successfully from Autosys Agent 12.0 but works when process is submitted manually.


Article ID: 252374


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


Process using JDK-17 not running successfully from Autosys Agent 12.0 but works when process is submitted manually. Previous version of jdk1.8 ran successfully with Autosys Agent.

Following Error occurs in log

Check log for environment: test01 = y
20221017-22:13:10.738 - Setting timeout duration for polling = 300 sec

20221017-22:13:10.744 - Waiting for server/service state.....

20221017-22:18:11.461 - Wait timeout reached. 

Troubleshooting Actions Taken.

Logged into the Linux Box and sourced java version jdk-17 from owner-id that is submitting the job from Autosys Agent 12.0. Ran the command manually and process started successfully.

Updated the profile being sourced in the JIL, pointing java to jdk-17 and force-started the job, job fails with 

Check log for environment: test01 = y
20221017-22:13:10.738 - Setting timeout duration for polling = 300 sec

20221017-22:13:10.744 - Waiting for server/service state.....

20221017-22:18:11.461 - Wait timeout reached. 




Release :


What you have described "jobX worked previously or works from a command line but does not thru autosys/agent" is typically a permission or environment issue.

We recommend you start by adding "env" to your script and then running it from the command line where you state it works, and then run it thru autosys where you stated it fails.

Compare the env outputs.
Make adjustments the job's profile or definition or script directly so the environments line up.

You might also consult the script author to have them add additional debugging like sh -x or other command specific debugging options and exit code checks.