Why would a job that was demanded into CA 7 have a SCHID other than 1?
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Why would a job that was demanded into CA 7 have a SCHID other than 1?


Article ID: 25234


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CA 7 Workload Automation


Why would a job that was demanded into CA 7 have a SCHID other than 1?  This document describes how SCHIDs are assigned to CA 7 jobs when they are brought in with the DEMAND command.


If you DEMAND a job with no schedule and without the SCHID= keyword on the DEMAND command, the job enters the queue with the default SCHID of 1.

If you DEMAND a job that has a schedule, the SCHID defaults to the first SCHID created for that job.

You can require the use of the SCHID= keyword on the DEMAND command. To do this, use the keyword SCHID=YES on the SCHEDULE statement in the CA 7 Initialization File (pointed to by the UCC7IN DD statement in the CA 7 online procedure).