NetOps reports return Invalid RIB query syntax error message
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NetOps reports return Invalid RIB query syntax error message


Article ID: 252338


Updated On: 10-28-2024


DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


The problem is seen when setting up View charts in a Dashboard Report.

In this example it was for CPU based metrics. When running the Dashboard in DX NetOps Performance Management web server Portal we see an error like the following.

In the PCService.log we see the following error with a match for the Query ID from the UI error. Default path would be /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/PC/logs/PCService.log.

ERROR | Model-Invoker-8          | 2022-10-08 21:36:36,134 |           
      | RIB query failed
          Model ID/Type: {1000193/RIBMultiChartModel}
          Result status: {ERROR_INVALID_QUERY_SYNTAX}
          Query ID: {f0943e6f-b7df-4544-a841-d3068ca07ae4}
          RIB source URL: {http://localhost:8481/dm/rib}
          Query: {SELECT .PollItem.LocalID, .EndTime(300), CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedCPUInfo.NRM_CPUSTATS.Utilization.Avg, .Resolution.Returned FROM CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedMemoryInfo.PHYSICAL_MEMSTATS WHERE ((.PollItem.LocalID = 1434390,1434554,6484096,6484099,6484097,6484100,6484098,33787924,42509126,33790968,33788562,43109284,1434557,358379,2815394)) AND .EndTime(300) > 1665268560 AND .EndTime(300) <= 1665282960 GROUPBY .PollItem.LocalID, .EndTime(300) ORDERBY .PollItem.LocalID DESC, .EndTime(300) ASC}
          Reason: {RIB Query is invalid!
  Query: {SELECT .PollItem.LocalID, .EndTime(300), CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedCPUInfo.NRM_CPUSTATS.Utilization.Avg, .Resolution.Returned FROM CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedMemoryInfo.PHYSICAL_MEMSTATS WHERE ((.PollItem.LocalID = 1434390,1434554,6484096,6484099,6484097,6484100,6484098,33787924,42509126,33790968,33788562,43109284,1434557,358379,2815394)) AND .EndTime(300) > 1665268560 AND .EndTime(300) <= 1665282960 GROUPBY .PollItem.LocalID, .EndTime(300) ORDERBY .PollItem.LocalID DESC, .EndTime(300) ASC}
  In the SELECT section of query, the following fields could not be found as part of the RIB table "CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedMemoryInfo.PHYSICAL_MEMSTATS":

Note that while we're reporting on CPU metrics, the query used shows:

...CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedCPUInfo.NRM_CPUSTATS.Utilization.Avg, .Resolution.Returned FROM CA.IM.DA.MF.NormalizedMemoryInfo.PHYSICAL_MEMSTATS...


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management Portal web server releases


A root cause for how the View became broken is unknown. Attempts to generate Views showing the same problem in order to debug the issue further were not successful.

If able to reproduce the issue reliably please contact Support and reference this Knowledge Base Article.


To resolve this we reset the problem View to it's defaults when it was first created and then reconfigure it.

Open the problem View for editing. Make the following changes and save them. Once done edit the View again to configure it as needed.