How to export Jobs by Job Status using autorep command
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How to export Jobs by Job Status using autorep command


Article ID: 252320


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Autosys Workload Automation


We have the command autorep -J ALL -q to export all jobs to a JIL file. 
Is there a way to export these jobs by status?
(i.e. only jobs that are inactive or only jobs on_ice etc)


Autosys 11.x 12.x


In going over this with some other engineers we think we might have found a possible solution for you.

This example requires the command to be run on Linux. It probably can be done for windows with a slight change.
To pull a detailed list of jobs that are ON ICE
 autorep -J % | grep OI | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -n 1 autorep -q -J

To pull a detailed list of jobs that have run to success
 autorep -J % | grep SU | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -n 1 autorep -q -J

If you run the command autorep -J % and look at the ST/Ex status you will see the different 2-letter abbreviations that is needed after the grep command in the above examples.

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