New error messages in event_demon log CAUAJM_E_10669 and CAUAJM_E_80024
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New error messages in event_demon log CAUAJM_E_10669 and CAUAJM_E_80024


Article ID: 252302


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Autosys Workload Automation


We are seeing the errors CAUAJM_E_10669 and CAUAJM_E_80024 in the event_demon log.   
They appear to belong to a box job that has notification_emailaddress attributes setup.   
Are the errors being produced because there isn't a machine defined in a box job JIL?


[10/10/2022 02:38:37]      CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS    STATUS: FAILURE         JOB: box-test
[10/10/2022 02:38:37]      CAUAJM_E_10669 Unable to determine the node that has the requested log.
[10/10/2022 02:38:37]      CAUAJM_E_80024 The attachment could not be sent due to an internal error.
[10/10/2022 02:38:37]      CAUAJM_E_10669 Unable to determine the node that has the requested log.
[10/10/2022 02:38:37]      CAUAJM_E_80024 The attachment could not be sent due to an internal error.
[10/10/2022 02:38:37]      CAUAJM_I_20216 Email notification pending for job <box-test>.
[10/10/2022 02:38:38]      CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: ALARM            ALARM: JOBFAILURE       JOB: box-test EXITCODE:  1


insert_job: box-test   job_type: BOX
owner: system
permission: gx,wx
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr
start_times: "01:30"
description: "Execute"
box_terminator: 1
alarm_if_fail: 1
alarm_if_terminated: 1
application: box-test
send_notification: F
notification_template: "My_Email_Template"
notification_emailaddress: DL@<DOMAIN>.com
notification_emailaddress_on_failure: DL@<DOMAIN>.com
notification_emailaddress_on_terminated: DL@<DOMAIN>.com
notification_alarm_types: AUTO_PING
notification_emailaddress_on_alarm: DL@<DOMAIN>.com



Autosys 11.x 12.x


The email template on the Box was changed to require elements not present in a BOX job


The Box job email template was changed to one that had a machine definition and required standard out and error files as attachments which a box job does not have.

Need to correct the template or change the box definition to use simple message.