Unable to encrypt files with Symantec File Share Encryption with error "Protect individual files"
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Unable to encrypt files with Symantec File Share Encryption with error "Protect individual files"


Article ID: 252240


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When trying to encrypt a file with Symantec File Share Encryption, the following error appears:


"In order to apply File Share Encryption to individual files please set the advanced File Share Encryption Option 'Protect individual files'."


This message appears when the option mentioned in the error is not selected/enabled in the PGP Desktop client.

There are a few ways to address this depending on which Symantec File Share Encryption management method you are using


Method 1: PGP Standalone Client (No PGP Server Management)
If you are a standalone client, meaning your PGP Desktop client does not communicate with a PGP Server for policy and is managed by your own individual settings alone, you can edit the "Options".

To do so, click the little padlock on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen:

Next, click on Options:

Next, click on the "File Share" tab and look for the option "Protect individual files":

Check the box and click OK.  You will now be able to encrypt individual files with Symantec File Share Encryption.



Method 2: PGP Managed Client - Using a PGP Server for Policy Management
If you are a managed client, meaning your PGP Desktop policy is being managed by a a PGP Server, you will have your PGP Administrator make these changes for you.

To do so, go to the PGP Server and Login.

Next, navigate to the Consumer Policy your account is being managed by the PGP Server (Click Consumers, Consumer Policy, click the policy in question).

Next, click on the "Desktop..." settings button.

Next, Click on the File Share tab and check the box "Allow the user to enable Advanced User Mode".

This option should now allow users to encrypt individual files that are outside of folders encrypted with Symantec File Share Encryption.



Additional Information

153211 - Symantec PGP File Share File Encryption FAQ