Facing a problem with Datacom Server (client side), ODBC driver.
The problem resides on the fact that he can not displays correctly results containing special characters (Québec for example).
The error message obtained with Power Apps is as follows:
""cr15e_nm_muni_hq"": ""QU\u0000BEC"",
""cr15e_no_dossier"": ""AMO00000186""
}","{""error"":{""code"":""0x80040278"",""message"":""Invalid character in field 'cr15e_nm_muni_hq': '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character.""}}"
Accent marks or apostrophes within words are not in the English keyboard layout. Other special characters such as signs, or symbols can also pose a problem when retrieving or viewing data.
For special characters like French characters to appear successfully , you need to create a Datacom Server translation table and code it in the Datacom/DB ODBC setup , tab International .
See the online documentation in Build a Translation Table and Specify the Translation Options