Is there a way to query for a list of robots that either are not submitting any CDM-related metrics, or do not have the CDM probe present?
There are a number of approaches that could be used to gather this information; none of them are perfect but using a combination should allow you to complete a full picture.
The only truly accurate way to determine this would be to query each and every robot for a list of probes and build a list of those robots which do not have it in the list; that is outside the scope of this document but numerous resources are available e.g. in the Broadcom Communities which could help guide you to create a LUA script for this purpose.
Otherwise there are a few database queries which will be useful.
1. The following query will list robots which have other data coming in, but not CDM data -- but this could also potentially miss robots that don't have any probes installed whatsoever since they won't appear in this list unless they have submitted at least one non-CDM metric:
select distinct robot from s_qos_data where robot not in (select robot from s_qos_data where probe = 'cdm');
2. You can also try querying vs the discovered robots table which might be more accurate - this however might miss any new robots which got added within past 24 hours or so.
select distinct robot from cm_nimbus_robot where robot not in (select robot from s_qos_data where probe = 'cdm');
3. Finally you can also do this query -- it would include only servers that don't have the CDM probe. So if a server has the probe, but has never submitted any metrics, it would not show up in this list -- this is strictly based on probe installations which have been successfully recorded by discovery.
select robot from cm_nimbus_robot where robot_id not in (select robot_id from cm_nimbus_probe where probe_name = 'cdm');
This last query is potentially the most accurate but it presumes that all robots have been successfully discovered by discovery_server; in an environment with offline or unreachable robots the accuracy will be diminished.