ABORT column in the DETECTOR Key Summary Display
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ABORT column in the DETECTOR Key Summary Display


Article ID: 252187


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


What does the ABORT column in the DETECTOR Key Summary Display show?




Release : 20.0


From the Detector screen HELP

Field:  ABORT                                                      
Description:  The number of aborts issued by the thread            
executed by the plan.                                              
This field is similar to the QWACABRT field of IFCID 0003. The     
Detector data displayed in this field is not directly obtained     
from the IBM instrumentation facility, but the field definitions   
are similar. Detector reports this information at different levels 
of granularity than the IFCID records may indicate.                
For more information about IFCIDs, refer to the IBM DB2            
Administration Guide.            

DB2 Admin Guide