A customer observed the below error message when we were running the "XPSSweeper -a" utility to check the integrity errors.
"(FATAL) : [sm-xpsxps-04610] Process is already running."
As part of troubleshooting the issue, we tried to start and stop the Policy Server to move further.
But when we tried restarting the Policy Server after stopping it, we observed the message below.
Failed to create smexec logs at /XX/XX/siteinder/ps/log/smexec.log location.
Siteminder Policy Server started
Also, when we tried to touch /XX/XX/siteminder/ps/log/test using the "touch" command, we observed permission denied error messages.
12.8 SP6a Policy Server and also Applicable to all the supported releases.
Usually we observe these errors for various reasons but here the logs directory had a mis-set permission which caused the above mentioned error behavior.
Fixing the logs directory permissions allowed the policy server and the " XPSSweeper -a" utility to run as expected without any errors.