What are best steps to migrate from Oracle Java to OpenJDK for Spectrum OneClick?
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What are best steps to migrate from Oracle Java to OpenJDK for Spectrum OneClick?


Article ID: 252130


Updated On:


DX NetOps


What are best steps to migrate from Oracle Java to OpenJDK for Spectrum OneClick?



Release : 22.2.x


1. Remove Oracle Java8 via add remove programs.

2. Install Linked IcedTeaWebStart and OpenJDK in Spectrum console.

3. Download new JNLP within OneClick (Start Console)

4. Open JNLP > Open With and browse to Program Files > IcedTeaWeb > Bin > javasw.exe

You can verify via task manager that IcedTea Webstart (javaws.exe) and Eclipse Adoptium (java.exe) are being used:

Using the versions of IcedTea Webstart and OpenJDK packaged with the version of Spectrum you are running should offer the most optimized experience.



Additional Information

  • If you are required to keep OracleJRE installed on the system in parallel to OpenJDK make sure IceTeaWeb Start is pathed to invoke OpenJDK or you may experience unpredictable results.