Enabling PTFLIST for additional products in Sysview.
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Enabling PTFLIST for additional products in Sysview.


Article ID: 252120


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


The Sysview PARMLIB member SVWXPTFL has a sample definition related to SYSVIEW CSI, loadlib, and XML lib information. How to add the same information related to other products that support this feature?


Release : 16.0, 17.0
Component: SYSV - SYSVIEW


  1. Copy SVWXPTFL member to a new member with a different name on the same parmlib (e.g. PTFLOPS)
  2. Edit the newly created member to specify the CSI, XML, and LOADLIB dataset names of the products that must be added (OPSMVS in this case).

Below are the members for the above example:


 BROWSE    PROD.SVW.R170.SITE.CNM4BPRM(SVWXPTFL) -  Line 0000000026 Col 001 080
    PRODUCT     '&G$PNAME'                                                      
    DESCRIPTION '&G$XNAME &G$ReleaseVVRMM'                                      
    FMID        &G$FMID                                                         
    CSI         &SYSTEM_CSI                                                     
    XMLLIB      &SYSTEM_XMLLIB                                                  
    LOADLIB     &SYSTEM_LOADLIB                                                 
    MEMBERS     &VLMC                                                           
)INCLUDE PTFLOPS                /* OPSMVS 14.0 */                               
)EOF                                       /* Logical End of File   */          


    PRODUCT     'OPSMVS '                                                       
    DESCRIPTION 'OPSMVS r.14.0'                                                 
    FMID        CCLXD50                                                         
    CSI         SMPE.OPS.R140.CSI                                               
    XMLLIB      SMPE.OPS.R140.CCLXXML                                           
    LOADLIB     PROD.OPS.R140.CCLXLOAD                                          
    MEMBERS     PTFLOPS                                                         
)EOF                                       /* Logical End of File   */          

As a result, the PTFLIST command will show the following:

Additional Information

Using subcmd as CSI or MOD in front of the product entry sysview will show CSIQUERY and MODIDS screens respectively. Below is complete subcmd lists with descriptions

Subcmd                    Description
CSI                       View CSI information                 
FEATures                  View features in the CSI             
FMIDs                     View FMIDs in the CSI                
MODids                    Product module analysis - details    
ORDers                    View receive orders for the CSI      
PRODucts                  View products in the CSI             
ROWdisp                   Display data row vertically          
Select                    Product PTF analysis - details       
SUmmary                   Product PTF analysis - risk summary