WA Agent: Azure / ADF job fails with Execution of runPipeline has failed
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WA Agent: Azure / ADF job fails with Execution of runPipeline has failed


Article ID: 252076


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Autosys Workload Automation


Azure job fails with following errors


20XX-XX-XXT00:00:12.345-04:00: Job Failed: For input string: "<JOB_PARAMETER>"
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "<JOB_PARAMETER>"
Execution of runPipeline has failed
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
Caused by: com.broadcom.pojo.adf.JobFailedException: Job Failed: For input string: "<JOB_PARAMETER>"
[XX/XX/20XX 00:00:12]      <Execution of runPipeline has failed>




Workload Automation Agent 12.x



The Agent directory has conflicting jars. 


1. Remove old jars of previous version of ADF plugin extension completely from <agent_install>/jars/ext directory

2. Download latest version of Azure Data Factory plugin Extension from Automation Marketplace

3. Add the new jars of the plugin extension to <agent_install>/jars/ext.

4. Restart agent for the changes to take effect, and test ADF job.

See this documentation link for more details.


Additional Information

For Autosys and WCC, manually set up the job or make changes to the job in WCC.  The problem reported is fixed in R11.3.6 SP7 CUM1

Problem Number: 4747 
autorep -j -q returns j2ee_parameter values in reverse order because of Standard Template Library (STL) sort.

In some cases, the older WCC/ AE WebUI may not need changes to job definition by adding / replacing HTML number (codes).


j2ee_parameter: String="{\"job_id\":5001,\"storedproc_name\":\"some_batch_process_open\",\"schedule_type\":\"SD\"}"


j2ee_parameter: String="{&#34;job_id&#34;:5001,&#34;storedproc_name&#34;:&#34;some_batch_process_open&#34;,&#34;schedule_type&#34;:&#34;SD&#34;}"


1665692103616__Azure Data Factory Plugin Extension.pdf get_app