Is it possible to prevent the creation of models and assets for certain families in ITAM? We would like to have the ability for users to only create models/assets based on the role.
Release : 17.x
In this example, we will prevent the model and asset creations using Cluster Asset Family for user2 who is using “limit model” role.
To prevent the creation of a model when using the “Cluster” family we need to create a new configuration:
Go to Model tab > Click on next to Configure > Click on new next to the configuration and configure it to something similar to the screenshot below:
To prevent the creation of an asset when using the “Cluster” family we need to create a new configuration:
Go to Asset tab > Click on next to Configure > Click on new next to the configuration and configure it to something similar to the screenshot below:
Now create or use an existing role and click on it under Administration > User/Role Management > Role Search > Click on the role > Click on Role configuration > Click on “Select New” > Check the 2 new configurations created in the previous steps:
Click on Save
Log into ITAM with a user who has the role assigned to it. See the screenshots below to check the expected behavior after assigning the configurations to the role.
This will not occur for other families since we created a configuration only for the cluster family. Example using Computer family:
This will not occur for other asset families: