Data engine 20.40 is not inserting QOS data and it is frequently getting disconnected
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Data engine 20.40 is not inserting QOS data and it is frequently getting disconnected


Article ID: 251972


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Data engine queue is not getting released in one of our PROD shred environments due to which multiple customers are impacted.

QOS messages are backed up/queued. There are no messages being Sent.


  • Release: UIM 20.4
  • data_engine v20.40
  • Microsoft SQL Server v2016 SP2
  • hub 9.35
  • Robot 9.35


  • Database Server resources issue - caused by sharing the database server with other applications and in this case multiple 'Microsoft Mashup Routine' processes were blocking UIM functions.


The first symptom noticed was that the data_engine queue was severely backed up and not processing any data so the queued QOS messages kept increasing.

The second symptom noticed was that the data_engine.log was being written to by the probe VERY slowly.

The third issue was that the data_engine queue did not contain one of its default queue Subjects, so we added it-> QOS_DEFINITION

-- query to list blocked sessions (run this more than once to check)

Results showed multiples of the Microsoft Mashup Routine processes blocking sessions.

select p.query_plan, ex.session_id, ex.blocking_session_id, db_name(ex.database_id)as dbname, s.host_name, s.program_name, s.login_name, 

ex.status, ex.command, ex.last_wait_type, ex.cpu_time, ex.reads, ex.writes, ex.percent_complete 

from sys.dm_exec_requests ex INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s

ON ex.session_id = s.session_id cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(ex.plan_handle) p

Example shown below but we also saw some sessions blocked as well when we ran the query several times.

Steps followed:

  1. Clear the data_engine queue
  2. Deactivate the data_engine probe
  3. Stop the Nimsoft Service
  4. Reboot the Microsoft SQL Server machine
  5. Restart the Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service
  6. Ensure all probes are up and have a port and a PID
  7. Open IM->data_engine GUI and make sure the data_engine can connect to the database (test the connection via the GUI)
  8. View the data_engine.log in IM and see if the data_engine is writing to the log faster/updating more quickly. (It was...)

View the data_engine queue in the Hub GUI Status window to make sure it starts processing and continues processing data.

Once the data_engine thread_count_insert was set to 24, and hub_bulk_size was set to 1750, the data_engine performance was very good and the hub GUI Status->Queued column remained at or near zero on every click of the refresh button.