When attempting to install the Active Directory Connector Utility, installation fails and returns the following error message indicating the account does not have permission or rights to install the application. This occurs even when running the installer under a local administrative user account that has been assigned the sysadmin role in SQL Server.
Could not create SQL agent job: Proxy (3) is not allowed for subsystem "CmdExec" and user "<account_name>". Grant permission by calling sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem or sp_grant_login_to_proxy.
Release : 6.x
USE msdb;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_login_to_proxy @proxy_name=N'Bay Dynamics AD Connector Proxy', @login_name=N'<ica_service_account>';
USE [msdb];
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_proxy @proxy_name=N'Bay Dynamics AD Connector Proxy',@credential_name=N'Bay Dynamics AD Connector Credential', @enabled=1;
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem @proxy_name=N'Bay Dynamics AD Connector Proxy', @subsystem_id=3;