Endpoint Protection Manager upgrade from 14.3 RU3 to 14.3 RU5 failed, upgrade status shows at 20%, coalescing contents
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Endpoint Protection Manager upgrade from 14.3 RU3 to 14.3 RU5 failed, upgrade status shows at 20%, coalescing contents


Article ID: 251923


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager [SEPM] Upgrade from 14.3 RU3 to 14.3 RU5 failed, Server upgrade status wizard shows failure at 20% at the stage of coalescing contents


2022-10-07 11:50:03.504 THREAD 1 WARNING: SQLExpressDbHelper>>executePowshellCommand processing: 
args[0]: C:\Windows\system32\reg.exe
args[1]: query
args[2]: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
args[3]: /v
args[4]: Symantec Management Server Upgrade Wizard
2022-10-07 11:50:03.540 THREAD 1 WARNING: SQLExpressDbHelper>>executePowshellCommand processing result: 1
2022-10-07 11:50:03.541 THREAD 1 WARNING: DbUtil>>executePowshellCommand standard output: 
 Error Output: 
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
2022-10-07 11:50:10.051 THREAD 31 WARNING: SQLExpressDbHelper >> isInMigrationProcess, checking file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager\bin\migrationSummary.txt
2022-10-07 11:50:10.051 THREAD 31 INFO: Skip using Cursors for MS JDBC to leverage Adaptive buffering
2022-10-07 11:50:10.067 THREAD 31 INFO: getDatabaseConnectionWithNTLMv2Retry, jdbcURL: jdbc:sqlserver://<sql_hostname>:1433;integratedSecurity=false;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false, user: sem5
2022-10-07 11:50:10.130 THREAD 31 SEVERE: exception retrieving connection
2022-10-07 11:50:10.130 THREAD 31 SEVERE: exception retrieving connection
2022-10-07 11:50:10.130 THREAD 31 FINE: connection is null.
2022-10-07 11:50:10.130 THREAD 31 INFO: SqlPropPanel > isServerCertTrusted() see exception
2022-10-07 11:50:10.146 THREAD 31 INFO: getDatabaseConnectionWithNTLMv2Retry, jdbcURL: jdbc:sqlserver://<sql_hostname>:1433;integratedSecurity=false;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false, user: sem5
2022-10-07 11:50:10.231 THREAD 31 SEVERE: exception retrieving connection
2022-10-07 11:50:10.231 THREAD 31 SEVERE: exception retrieving connection
2022-10-07 11:50:10.231 THREAD 31 FINE: connection is null.
2022-10-07 11:50:10.231 THREAD 31 INFO: SqlPropPanel > isServerCertTrusted() see exception

2022-10-07 11:51:40.484 THREAD 37 FINEST: getTopLevelObject >> prepareTopLevelObject >> ends, transactionId: 837A8D150A801A160834831B373D2713
2022-10-07 11:51:40.484 THREAD 37 INFO: upgradeADCPolicies>> domainId:<DOMAIN_ID> startIndex:1 policyBatchSize:50 morePolicies:true
2022-10-07 11:51:40.484 THREAD 37 FINE: getMetadataForQuery: SELECT TOP 50 ID, CHECKSUM  FROM BASIC_METADATA  WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TYPE = 'OpAppProtectionPolicy' AND DELETED > 0 AND DOMAIN_ID = '<DOMAIN_ID>'




SEPM 14.3 RU3 upgrade to 14.3 RU5


The default batch size is 50 for processing policies during the upgrade.
If policies are large in size then it is observed that the upgrade fails


This issue is fixed in SEPM 14.3 RU6