SiteMinder with VIP Authentication Hub integration failed due to mismatch of tokenIssuer in the Multi Factor Authentication Scheme
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SiteMinder with VIP Authentication Hub integration failed due to mismatch of tokenIssuer in the Multi Factor Authentication Scheme


Article ID: 251913


Updated On:


SITEMINDER VIP Authentication Hub


Authentication process failed with HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error

Access Gateway's httpd access log shows the following invalid_request message.

GET /affwebservices/public/bctokencontroller?error=invalid_request&error_description=Invalid%20id_token_hint...

The tokenIssuer in the Multi Factor Authentication scheme doesn't match with the one in VIP Authentication Hub Admin UI.

In SiteMinder AdminUI shows a wrong or empty tokenIssuer.

VIP Authentication Hub Admin UI shows the certificate has the correct tokenIssuer.




Release :
 SiteMinder for VIP Authentication Hub build 2824 (12.80.0600.2824
 VIP Authentication Hub: ssp-1.0.2942


SiteMinder failed to update tokenIssuer data due to failure response when call admin/v1/Certs API


SiteMinder is calling admin/v1/Certs API to VIP Authentication Hub to get tokenIssuer data when user is updating Multi Factor Authentication scheme, i.e. when setting/selecting the secondary authentication scheme. If this API call failed and user save the Authentication Scheme, tokenIssuer data may mismatch.

We need to understand why admin/v1/Certs API call failed. In one occasion the API call failed due to the root cause is due to missing the following parts of path definition in the vanity ingress.


You can run the following kubectl command to check if admin/v1/Certs is in the path of ingress

kubectl describe ingress <ingress name> -n ssp


kubectl describe ingress ssp-ssp-ingress -n ssp

If admin/v1/Certs.* path is missing then you need to update ingress definition yaml file and update your ingress

kubectl apply -f <updated ingress yaml file>

Notes: In production environment this modification may cause down time. Please do test in your lower environment, do backup and execute during maintenance window.