After upgrading RLX to release 20.1 will CCS work need to be backed out to fallback to 20.0
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After upgrading RLX to release 20.1 will CCS work need to be backed out to fallback to 20.0


Article ID: 251880


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After upgrading RLX to release 20.1 will CCS work need to be backed out to fallback to 20.0.


The r20.1 implementation of the CCS PC routine can remain in place and will not interfere with any r20 deployments. 

They are functionally and logical separated and independent -- as long as the allocation and concatenation of libraries, particular load libraries, do not "overlap",

As long as the allocation and concatenation of libraries, particular load libraries, do not "overlap", all previously installed releases of the product should continue to function normally and independently.