After upgrading RLX to release 20.1 encountering error RFAINIT001E RAI PC routine not defined.
Define the RAI PC Routine to CCS (Required)
To enable the CAIRIM component of CCS to handle authorization requests from RAI products, you must add the RAI PC (program call)
routine reference to the PARMLIB data set that is used by CAIRIM.
The JCL procedure for executing CAIRIM is in data set member hlq.CAW0PROC(CAS9). The CAIRIM program is parameter-driven.
The PARMLIB DD statement in the CAS9 JCL specifies a sequential data set containing the CAIRIM parameters. Sample CAIRIM
parameters are provided in data set member hlq.CAW0OPTN(CARIMPRM).
Each Broadcom product that CAIRIM initializes provides an entry in the hlq.CAW0OPTN(CARIMPRM) PARMLIB data set.
See the Common Components and Services documentation for detailed information about CAIRIM.
The CAIRIMU output should contain the following message:
+CAS9008I RAIPRODUCTS 7P20 RAIPCDEF yy.ddd hh:mm
+CAS9009I Initialized from ?raihlq?.CRAILOAD
For more information about how to execute the CAIRIMU utility, see CAIRIM Verification Utilities in the CCS documentation.
Information on defining the RAI PC routine to CCS can be found at the link below:
Define the RAI PC Routine to CCS (Required)