We have created a new porllet that show list of project AIs. I have a link to the AI details by Action = Action Item Properties or Action Item Properties (Popup).
a. I am able to open AI properties ONLY if I am assigned
b. When I want to open the AI that I am not assigned to I got the message "Error CAL-06038: You do not have necessary rights to view this action item."
c. I am able to open all AIs by project -> Collaboration -> Action Items (I don't see any security message)
How should I open any AI from my portlet? (I am Administrator)
The issue is similar to:
Release :
User that is having issue accessing an Action Item from the custom portlet is attempting to take them to the Organizer and since they are not the Assignee or the owner of this AI it is throwing an error. This is working as designed.