You have followed the broadcom documents and configured the SAML 2.0 in clarity. However, you are seeing below error when you try to logout from the clarity Modern UI. You are using Microsoft AD as IDP.
AADSTS750054 SAMLRequest or SAML Response must be present as query string parameters
Release : 15.9.2, 15.9.3
Check the value of the Logout URL in the NSA.
<sso tokenName="AUTH_TOKEN" tokenType="header" logoutURL="" errorURL="" keyHash=""/>
Set it to a static web site or intranet site and not a SAML logout page with your IDP.
If it still does not redirect to the new Logout URL, check the value of the "IDP_SLO_SER_URL" column in the "CMN_SEC_SAML_CONFIGS" table.
Confirm this is set to the correct Logout URL.
If not, you can update the column using an Update statement against the clarity database.
For example:
Restart the Clarity "app" services after.