Have requirement to perform retry logic on specific SQL return codes from Oracle and want to implement in TIRORA.pc code.
Release : 8.6
Question 1: We want to check to see where the changes to TIRORA.pc are done?
You only need to add the SQL return codes that would trigger a retry to the 'check_retry' function in TIRORA.pc. Calling check_retry from other sections (i.e.chkoerr) won't fire off a retry.
Note - Gen runtimes are assuming ANSI SQL return codes and not Oracle return codes.
Question 2: What is the program that calls TIRORA to fetch the retry flag?
The check_retry function is called by our runtimes when an error occurs to determine if the SQLCODE is valid for a retry. That's why we allow customers to add SQLCODES that would trigger a retry. The check_retry is used by our runtimes after the transaction is completed and there was a database error.