Connector Xpress - Create Project From Template - Operation Binding Not Saving or Deploying
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Connector Xpress - Create Project From Template - Operation Binding Not Saving or Deploying


Article ID: 251684


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite CA Identity Governance


When using ConnectorXpress and doing a Create Project From Template you are not able to properly use Operation Bindings.

Trying to deploy the project will not push out the Operation Bindings.

Trying to save the project will not save the Operation Bindings.


All Identity Manager


We have opened a ticket with Engineering to review this problem.

Additional Information


1. Create Project From Template with ConnXP

2. Deploy Project to Provisioning Server within ConnXP

3. Use an ldapbrowser such as Jxplorer to connect to the Provisioning Server and navigate to the deployed connector object such as eTNamespaceName=MyCustomConnector,dc=im,dc=eta and then find the empty attribute called eTOpBindingsMetaData and update it with the following value:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><opbindings xmlns=""></opbindings>

4. Go back to ConnXP and right-click on the deployed project and select Create Project

5. Now save the newly created project

The new project file will now allow for operation binding to be added, deployed, saved, etc