VIP Manager User or Credential 'last validated' date is missing or blank
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VIP Manager User or Credential 'last validated' date is missing or blank


Article ID: 251678


Updated On: 06-26-2024


VIP Service


The Last Validated date is blank for a user or a credential:


Users and credentials are 2 separate entities in VIP Manager. The 'last validated' value is the timestamp of the last validation. A blank 'last validated' value indicates no validation events have been recorded. 

Helpful information:

  • Removing a user's credential will not affect the Last Validated of the user or credential.
  • Last Validated increments for a user and the VIP credential used for that validation.
  • Last Validated increments for the VIP credential for VIP credential-only validations. 
  • A temp security code created for a user will increment the Last Validated for the user only when the code is used for validation.
  • A temp security code created for a credential will increment the Last Validated for the credential and the user when the code is used for user+credential validation.
  • A temp security code created for a credential will increment the Last Validated for the credential only when the code is used for credential-only validations.

VIP Manager 'end-user' reports indicate when a credential is added or removed from a user, users are added or removed, etc The prefix of the request ID indicates how the operation was performed.

VIPMGR = VIP Manager
VIPSSP = SSP or My VIP portal
VIPLOGIN = VIP Login\Azure flow
9_9_2_0_w_10_255_1_141_3743547968 = VIP EG Version and IP. In this example, VIP EG. 9_9_2 indicates the VIP EG version, w indicated Windows (or L for Linux),  10_255_1_141 indicates the server's local IP, and location etc, 3743547968 = unique transaction identifier).
note: custom applications calling VIP Web Service APIs can create their own custom request ID.