Messages within the DCATRACE that need to be suppressed to have the product function like the prior Smart Jobstream release.
Suppress messages like:
Recommend verifying that the following Smart/RRSAF Profile defaults are set to 'N':
Activate Smart/TRACE classes
Host Variables . . N (associated with the SQL descriptor area*) TRACE_SQLDA
RDI Parameters . . N (passed from DB2 precompiler to RDS*) TRACE_RDIIN
RRSAF Trace . . . . N (contains the RRSAF trace information*) TRACE_RRSAF
SQL Statement Text N (associated with the SQL request*) TRACE_SQL_TEXT
SQL Communications N (Area associated with the SQL request*) TRACE_SQLCA
Execute SJSINST and verify the above:
2 Smart/RRSAF - Configure Smart/RRSAF product
1 Profile - Specify Smart/RRSAF profile defaults
The Smart/TRACE classes above are on the (panel 3 of 4).
Assemble and link DCA$TPD and validate the problem is resolved.