Cannot connect to OData via PowerBI
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Cannot connect to OData via PowerBI


Article ID: 251609


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


The following error is returned, when trying to connect to the OData feed via Power BI:

DataSource Error: 
OData: Request failed:
The remote server returned an error: (400)
Bad Request: ([HYT00][0] Login has timed out)


  1. Clear the Power BI Cache:
    1. Click on File
    2. Options and Settings
    3. Click on Options
    4. "Clear Cache" for Data Cache Management Options"
    5. "Clear Cache"  Q&A Cache Options
  2. Run the Full Load of DWH Job
  3. Run the Load DWH Access Rights Job
  4. Run Odata Refresh Model Job
  5. Close and re-launch Power BI and test the connection.