Restrict TPXMAIL for users to READ ONLY
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Restrict TPXMAIL for users to READ ONLY


Article ID: 251588


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management


How to restrict TPXMAIL usage to READ only and disable the Send or store a message option?              


Release : 5.4

Component : TPX for z/OS


TPX Panelid  - TEN0133 provides the ability to restrict or allow functions in the MAIL environment. 

Start the TPXADMIN.session,

- select option 1
- next select 5 (CMDT)

- select Command Class Table, TPXGROUP
 This will display Command Authorization Class.
 Most likely it will have A, B, D, O and P

Select any one of these, it will display - Panelid -TEN0132
You can scroll forward (PF8) to see the other 2 panels that
are associated to this. Panelid  - TEN0133 & 4. 

 at Panelid  - TEN0133 you have the ability to restrict or allow functions in the MAIL environment. 

You may also review the TPX Technical documentation Using the Mail Facility
This provides the details on the following, 
                Using the Mail Facility
                Overview of Mail Facility
                Access the Mail Facility Features
                Use of Mail Menu Options
                Read Messages and Bulletins in Your Mailbox
                Send or Store Messages
                How to Edit Userlists
                Send Application News

You may need to test various Mail parameters to setup the behavior as required.