Illegal Software Policy operation: An evaluation of the policy is already ongoing. [SDM001728]
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Illegal Software Policy operation: An evaluation of the policy is already ongoing. [SDM001728]


Article ID: 251583


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager


Software Policy are no more not evaluated/activated.
When trying to manually evaluate a Software Policy, following error appears :
Illegal Software Policy operation: An evaluation of the policy is already ongoing. [SDM001728]


Client Automation - All Version


This problem could occur if plugin "Software Delivery manager: policy manager (sdmgr_pm)" is not running on the Domain Manager.


Execute following command to start SD Policy Manager plugin on the Domain Manager

caf start sdmgr_pm

Additional Information

On Domain Manager 5 sd_taskm.exe process should be running (PolMan, TaskMan, InstMan, RepMan et NotMan).

for the 5 plugins which could be seen in "caf status" output

[35] Software Delivery manager: installation manager (sdmgr_im)
[36] Software Delivery manager: notification manager (sdmgr_nm)
[37] Software Delivery manager: policy manager (sdmgr_pm)
[38] Software Delivery manager: replication manager (sdmgr_rm)
[39] Software Delivery manager: task manager (sdmgr_tm)

If one of the 5 plugins is not running it could be started with one of these commands :

caf start sdmgr_im
caf start sdmgr_tm
caf start sdmgr_nm
caf start sdmgr_rm
caf start sdmgr_pm