We are trying to migrate our OTK from PRE environment to DEV and we get the below error:
Origin policy:
Destination policy:
Error GMU:
Error in ssg_0_0.log:
2022-09-08T13:21:21.732+0200 ERROR 455979 org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper: Cannot add or update a child r
ow: a foreign key constraint fails (`ssg`.`policy`, CONSTRAINT `policy_folder` FOREIGN KEY (`folder_goid`) REFERENCES `folde
r` (`goid`))
2022-09-08T13:30:39.579+0200 ERROR 456013 org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper: Cannot add or update a child r
ow: a foreign key constraint fails (`ssg`.`policy`, CONSTRAINT `policy_folder` FOREIGN KEY (`folder_goid`) REFERENCES `folde
r` (`goid`))
Release : 10.1
Component :
Folder 39087b4361000e25ecb19183340a9f8e does not exist in the bundle its expected to exist any 1 will do of 3 below
1) Migrate just folder So
a) migrate out folder id 39087b4361000e25ecb19183340a9f8e
b) migrate in folder
2) Create Manually folder and use either
a) MapbyName
Example: Change mappings in the bundle for specific entities
3) Can try different gmu command