Unable to proceed installing Database Utilities after selecting database
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Unable to proceed installing Database Utilities after selecting database


Article ID: 251561


Updated On:


Information Centric Analytics


Installation of Information Centric Analytics (ICA) database utilities can't proceed after selecting the SQL Database Server, Database Name, and Database Files installation path in the Symantec ICA Installation Wizard because there is no Next button to proceed.


Release : 6.5.4

Component : Symantec ICA Installation Wizard


The cause of this condition is unknown. By design, the installation wizard should not present the option to select a database name if the SQL Server service is not detected or running on the database server specified in the SQL Database Server field, and the installation wizard's Next button will only be presented in the interface once a database is selected.


To troubleshoot this condition, follow these steps:

  1. Confirm the SQL Server service for the instance in which the RiskFabric database has been installed is in a running state
  2. Confirm the ICA service account exists as a login in SQL Server and has been assigned the sysadmin role
  3. Run the ICA installer under the ICA service account using the Run as different user option in Windows Explorer (SHIFT+right-click)
  4. Verify the host name, port, and instance you have entered in the SQL Database Server field are correct and in the following format:
    Note: SQL Server listens on port 1433 by default; you do not need to specify a port number if using the default port.
  5. A failure to connect to the server is logged in the following file:


    The error logged:

    2022-10-06 13:56:58,079 [45:ERROR] SqlContext.Connect() Could not connect to <host>[\instance][,port]

If this issue persists, contact Broadcom Support for assistance.