AEWS URL gives error 403
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AEWS URL gives error 403


Article ID: 251559


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


Any AEWS URLs give an error 403. It might manifest as error 404 also.


Workload Automation Autosys



The user did not have the EEM application group WorkloadAutomationAEWebService assigned


The AEWS uses Basic authentication, and as such a valid username and password must be provided that has rights to execute the REST API call.

By default, users are not granted permission to web services. This must be done after the fact to grant this permission. Do the following to validate the user has been given the appropriate permissions.

  1. Log in to EEM with the eaimadmin credemtials with application dropdown value to WorkloadAutomationAE
  2. Go to Manage Identities tab, enter the user ID (of the user attempting the AEWS call) in the values field and hit GO
  3. Click on the user name to bring up the properties on the right-hand side
  4. Under application group membership make sure the user has the WorkloadAutomationAEWebService on the right-hand side.
    (If there is nothing seen there, click the search button then highlight WorkloadAutomationAEWebService and click the right arrow)
  5. Make sure to save the user if any changes are made.

  6. then use a test that the user has permission with the following URL in a browser


Example tests:   https://<AutoSys_Web_services_Machine>:9443/AEWS/machine  --> this should return a list of machines in XML format