What condition occurred that caused the TIML to write these messages:
2022-xx-xxxx:xx:xx..TISRVMSL TIML TASK=00000074 xx/xx/2022 xx:xx:xx SOCKET RECEIVE PROBLEM. NOTIFY CLIENT, CLOSE SOCKET
2022-xx-xxxx:xx:xx..TISRVMSL TIML TASK=00000074 xx/xx/2022 xx:xx:xx SOCKET ERROR, RETCODE=-0000001, ERRNO=00000054
- What exception(s) has the TIML encountered to write these messages.
- Where to look for information on how to "NOTIFY CLIENT" -or- was the client notified prior to this message being written?
Release : 8.6
- What exception(s) has the TIML encountered to write these messages.
The ERRNO=00000054 means that the connection to the destination host is not available. A return code 54 is a Connection Reset by Peer.
- Where to look for information on how to "NOTIFY CLIENT" -or- was the client notified prior to this message being written?
In this case the SOCKET RECEIVE call got a return code of 54. Since the Socket connection is not established, the TISRVMSL, it cannot send a response back to the client. So the client does not get a message. The client does get a 10054 and retry logic may be added within the function CI_TCP_DPC_handleComm_Complete in the Gen user exit CITCPCLX.C on the client side.