Is it possible to export EEM policies in command line mode in order to avoid the compatibility problems related to the use of EEM User Interface old versions and the recent versions of TLS and Browser.
Release : 12.0
Use the below steps to export policies through command line.
1. Create a template to export with the name export.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<Attach label="Service Catalog"/>
<Export file="EEMusers_export.xml" globalfolders="y" globalsettings="y" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" folders="y" usergroups="y users="y" calendars="y" policies="y" appobjects="y" maxsearchsize="50000" />
2. Run C:\Program Files\CA\SC\EmbeddedEntitlementsManager\bin>safex -h hostname -f EEM export.xml -u eiamadmin -p password
This will export the required details
Note: Make changes to export.xml based on the need