Banner translation in French missing apostrophes
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Banner translation in French missing apostrophes


Article ID: 251511


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When trying to add a resource without having instance Soft Book rights over them in MUX Project Staffing, the banner thrown has a wrong spelling


  1. Go to Clarity - Administration - Users
  2. Create a new resource test2 with Language French
  3. For Resource Access rights - Global - Click ADD
  4. Add everything that starts with Project*
  5. Also add Resource - View All
  6. Now go to Instance rights:
  7. Add Resource - Soft Book - Select 1 particular resource, Save
  8. Now logout and connect with resource test2 to MUX, it will be in French
  9. Open a project - go to Personnel (Staffing)
  10. Click Ajouter Du Personnel - Ressources to add a resource to the team
  11. Select a different resource you don't have the instance Soft Book right to
  12. Click Ajouter

Expected Results: The banner message to be displayed correctly with the apostrophes (note two apostrophes):

API-1007 : Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à traiter la demande. Contactez l'administrateur système pour obtenir des droits de sécurité.

Actual Results:

In 16.0.2: the French message has missing apostrophes

API-1007 : Vous nêtes pas autorisé à traiter la demande. Contactez ladministrateur système pour obtenir des droits de sécurité.

In 16.0.3: The banner is completely missing and does not add the resource and will not let the user know they are missing the rights. Warning in logs:

WARN  2022-10-05 20:38:54,112 [http-nio-1602-exec-44] (clarity:test2:45646411__373DFB05-57FB-4B30-9E12-ED35E374B821:PPM_REST_API) User test2 tried to POST resource [resource name: teams, resource id: null] but does not have permission.


Release : 16.0.2, 16.0.3, 16.1.0


This is DE66882, fixed in 16.1.1