Change Symantec DLP host for existing data source connection
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Change Symantec DLP host for existing data source connection


Article ID: 251502


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IT Analytics


When the host information for the Oracle database for Symantec DLP changes, what method can be used to change the hostname or IP address of the Symantec DLP data source in IT Analytics (ITA) without removing and replacing the existing data source connection?

Common scenarios in which the Oracle database host information changes are:

  • The database is migrated to a new host with a new hostname
  • The current database host is renamed
  • The data source connection in ITA points to the Oracle database host's IP address rather than hostname and the IP assignment changes either on the existing host or via migration to a new host


Release : 2.9.1

Component : Symantec DLP Content Pack


To change the DLP data source hostname or IP address without removing and replacing the existing data source connection via the ITA console, follow this procedure:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  2. Connect to the Database Engine hosting the ITAnalytics database
  3. In Object Explorer, navigate to Server Objects > Linked Servers
  4. Locate the linked server for the connection to be updated:
  5. Right-click the linked server and select Script Linked Server as > DROP And CREATE To > New Query Editor Window
  6. In the new query editor window, locate the following parameter on line 9:
  7. Update the <host>, <port> (if used), and <service_name> values to point to the new DLP data source
  8. Locate the following parameters on line 11:
  9. Update the <user> and password values, if needed
  10. Execute the script by pressing the F5 key, clicking the Execute button in the SQL Editor toolbar, or selecting Execute from the Query menu
  11. If no errors are returned, right-click the linked server in Object Explorer > Server Objects > Linked Servers and select Test Connection

Additional Information

To change the Symantec DLP data source via the ITA console without preserving any changes made to the cubes' underlying functions and views, follow this procedure:

  1. Login to ITA as an admin user
  2. Navigate to Admin > Settings > Data Sources
  3. Click the gear icon next to the DLP Connections drop-down and select Add Connection
  4. Follow the prompts in the IT Analytics Symantec Data Loss Prevention Connection Wizard
  5. If you wish to remove the existing Oracle data source after adding the new connection, select the server under DLP Connections and select Remove Connection
  6. Confirm you wish to remove the connection