GMU restman command fail to retrieve specified entity (secured password) details
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GMU restman command fail to retrieve specified entity (secured password) details


Article ID: 251460


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


I am trying to execute the restman command from GMU v1.8 to retrieve details of a single Secure_password. browser restman url works but same is not achieved using GMU. 

I am able to retrieve list all Ids using but fails when using restman

 ./GatewayMigrationUtility.bat list -z ./Releases/Environments/ -t SECURE_PASSWORD

$ ./GatewayMigrationUtility.bat restman -z ./Releases/Environments/  -method GET --path 1.0/passwords --query 'name=test'

Warning: TLS hostname verification has been disabled
Warning: TLS server certificate check has been disabled
Status: 200 OK
Keep-Alive: timeout=60
X-API-HOST: gateway
Server: APIGW
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 445
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2022 16:05:42 GMT
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<l7:List xmlns:l7="">
    <l7:Name>SECURE_PASSWORD List</l7:Name>
    <l7:Link rel="self" uri="https://<gatewayHastname>:9443/restman/1.0/passwords?name"/>
    <l7:Link rel="template" uri="https://<gatewayHostName>:9443/restman/1.0/passwords/template"/>


from Browser



Release : 10.1

Component : GMU 1.8


1. Use double quote for query parameter string  (--query  "name=<value>" ).

2. Update the Java version to the appropriate version (openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20 for GMU v1.8).