Description not used in static lookup's Display Attribute (MUX), Auto-suggestion list not applied
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Description not used in static lookup's Display Attribute (MUX), Auto-suggestion list not applied


Article ID: 251416


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


The suggestion list changes based on the Display Attribute, and existing saved values match the Display Attribute (in this case "Description"). However, any new data saved to the field will quickly show as "Description" but then switch to "Name" (lookup value).

MUX - Display Name affects Suggestion List but not displayed/saved value on the field
Attribute Suggestion List Display has no effect

Classic - Display Name affects displayed/saved value accordingly
Attribute Suggestion List Display affects suggestion list accordingly

Steps to reproduce:
1. Configure a static string lookup with Name and Description values
2. Set the static lookup's Display Attribute to use Description
3. Include Name and Description in Attribute Suggestion List Display
4. Create a lookup attribute on an object and associate it to the lookup created in previous steps
5. Assign an API ID to the attribute
6. Add the attribute to a Blueprint
7. Click on the field in the MUX 

Expected Results: The suggestion list will include Name | Description
Actual Results: The suggestion list only includes Description (taken from Display Attribute instead of auto suggestion list display)

8. Pick a value from the list and click outside of the field to save

Expected Results: The selected value will save and continue to be displayed as the lookup value's Description
Actual Results: The selected value is saved and quickly changes in the field to the lookup value's Name (any new data saved to the field will quickly show as "Description" but then switch to "Name" (lookup value)).


Release : 16.0.3

Component : Clarity Studio


This is caused by DE66867 


This defect has been fixed in 16.1.0

The code fix implemented addresses the issue where the selected value will save and continue to be displayed as the lookup value's Description

However, the auto-suggestion list display is not being honored for static lookups. It was never implemented for static lookups. In MUX, only dynamic lookups would show the auto-suggest.