Autosys 12.0 - Remote invocation failed - Unknown Source
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Autosys 12.0 - Remote invocation failed - Unknown Source


Article ID: 251369


Updated On:


Workload Automation Agent


We setup a new remote-execution (Proxy) server based off an existing one - Both *.properties files attached.
NEW Remote server: <masked> (<masked>
OLD Remote server: <masked>  (<masked>
The only difference is the hostname in the .properties files.  Same default LDAP user and password in both.

We can successfully manually SSH connect (with SSH keys & with passwords) from the Agent server to both the remote servers and both have sudo access. Connections shown below using password to connect.

[p1234@<masked> WA_AGENT]$ ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive,password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no <masked>
p1234@<masked> password:
[p1234@<masked> ~]$ sudo su -
Last login: Mon Oct  3 13:18:20 EDT 2022 on pts/4
[root@<masked> ~]#

[p1234@<masked> WA_AGENT]$ ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive,password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no <masked>
p1234@<masked> password:
Last login: Mon Oct  3 12:33:08 2022 from <masked>
[p1234@<masked> ~]$
[p1234@<masked> ~]$ sudo su -
[root@<masked> ~]#

However, when we attempt to validate connectivity using the p1234 (default user) with Autosys job we get the following error

Getting connection for destination <masked>_rmt
Remote invocation failed
com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshException: <masked>
@at com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh.wrap(Unknown Source)
@at com.jscape.inet.ssh.Ssh.connect(Unknown Source)


Release : 12

Component : Workload Automation Agent for Remote Execution


The ./config/proxy .properties files are not parsed so the space at the end of the host= value was taken as a literal and did not match a server in DNS.

Once the space was discovered and removed the AutoSys agent was restarted and we were successful in connecting and executing a job on the remote server.