Seeing a pattern of failures from virtual service, if we send one request its processing as expected which confirms virtual service is working as expected but when we send two of them one if working and other one is failing.
Application which is using this virtual services is used for testing,on application end there is option to send multiple requests at the same time or like a batch request.
All supported DevTest releases.
This is what the issue is. In the VSE log seeing these messages:
Line 164: 2022-09-30T12:00:06,747Z (08:00) [EPA_ACH [VS_EPA_ACH-CustTest_Run]/1] WARN com.itko.lisa.coordinator.VSETransactionLicensingManager - Transaction processing speed is being gated due to licensing restrictions.
Line 3577: 2022-09-30T12:10:46,129Z (08:10) [EPA_MTS_Simulator_Trn [VS_EPA_MTS_Simulator_Trn-QA02_Run]/1] WARN com.itko.lisa.coordinator.VSETransactionLicensingManager - Transaction processing speed is being gated due to licensing restrictions.
Line 8214: 2022-09-30T12:25:46,267Z (08:25) [EPA_MTS_Simulator_Trn [VS_EPA_MTS_Simulator_Trn-QA02_Run]/1] WARN com.itko.lisa.coordinator.VSETransactionLicensingManager - Transaction processing speed is being gated due to licensing restrictions.
Line 19527: 2022-09-30T13:04:04,288Z (09:04) [EPA_MTS_Simulator_Trn [VS_EPA_MTS_Simulator_Trn-QA02_Run]/1] WARN com.itko.lisa.coordinator.VSETransactionLicensingManager - Transaction processing speed is being gated due to licensing restrictions.
Functional VSEs have a fixed limit of processing ten (10) transactions per second (TPS) by default.
Since there is no performance VSE, the following is what was done as a temporary workaround for these virtual services.
1. Added extra Think Time in the VSI.
2. In the VSM added a "Do Nothing Step" after the "Virtual Services Execution Router" step and set Think Time in the "Do Nothing Step" with a range of 10 to 30 seconds.
3. In the VSM Listen step change the Assertion if efficient to go to the "Do Nothing Step".
4. Deployed the VSM.
Ultimate resolution to this issue is to get a Performance VSE and have these type of virtual services deployed to it.