Rally On-premise Loading Please wait due to locked migration
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Rally On-premise Loading Please wait due to locked migration


Article ID: 251316


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise


After restarting the Rally on-premise appliance a "Loading Please wait" message is displayed on the screen when accessing the application and no login window is displayed.


Release : 2.0+

Component :


When the on-premise appliance boots, it checks to see if there are any database migrations that need to be run.  Prior to doing so, it checks to see if there are any locks for currently running migrations.  On occasion, a lock can be placed on a migration but not cleared which will prevent future migration checks from running and preventing the appliance from ever booting.

To check for a locked migration run the following command:

docker logs $(docker ps | grep _alm | awk '{print $1}')

If the output contains the following text, then a migration is locked:

[updateDatabase] Waiting for changelog lock....



Please open a support case for assistance with this matter, as this issue will rely on logging into the database and running manual database updates.