The following command does not work: alias s='sudo /opt/CA/VirtualAppliance/scripts/cavapp_monitor'
The cavapp_monitor script has the following code:
if [ ! -f /opt/CA/VirtualAppliance/conf/hosts/.isconfigured ]
A similar file: /opt/CA/VirtualAppliance/conf/.isconfigured exists, but this is not where the monitor script is looking.
if we copy the file from the conf directory to the conf/hosts directory, then the "s" command works from the command line, executes successfully during login, and the vApp Dashboard now starts working correctly (ie. knows the apps are deployed and gives us the status).
However, we suspect that we could not do this hack if we did not have root level access, so looking for an official fix.
Release : 14.4.1
Component : CA IDENTITY SUITE (VIRTUAL APPLIANCE) on Amazon Web Services .ami version only.
A hotfix is available. Contact Support obtaining the fix: