CAS error - Unable to add image. Images are either locked o...
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CAS error - Unable to add image. Images are either locked o...


Article ID: 251176


Updated On:


Content Analysis Software CAS-S500 CAS-S400 CAS-S200


You're unable to add new image in and getting an error "Unable to add image. Images are either locked o..."

You're unable to remove or unlock any existing images via GUI.


Content Analysis stores several images on the system, depending on the storage capacity of the appliance. The image that is marked as the default image will be loaded the next time the appliance is rebooted. If the maximum number of images are stored on your system and you download another image, Content Analysis deletes the oldest unlocked image to make room for the new image.


You should be able to remove these images via Command line following up with command:
#images-system ?

Additional Information

You can find more in CAS CLI guide: