What is Authorization Role for Impersonation parameter for in Web Services Properties?
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What is Authorization Role for Impersonation parameter for in Web Services Properties?


Article ID: 251133


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CA Identity Suite


Using Identity Manager (IM) Management Console when we go to Environments > <IM Environment Name> > Advance Settings > Web Services page, we have Authorization Role for Impersonation parameter. What is this parameter for?


Release : 14.3, 14.4

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


In this Authorization Role for Impersonation parameter we specify an admin role whose members include the intended WSS authenticated users. With this admin role set up, only members of the admin role can be authenticated as WSS users. This admin role also defines what Web Services enabled Tasks can be run.

In the Web Services settings shown in the picture above, admin role named 'impersonation' has been setup. As the member of 'impersonation' admin role is only '<user_id>' user then only '<user_id>' can be WSS authenticated.

Additional Information

To remove this configuration see KB 251135